Tuesday, July 29, 2008

oh lord! punish these terrorists!!!

Last weekend was ghastly and ghory to say the least....17 serial bomb blasts in Amdavad...more than 45 people killed. What the heck!!!
Can someone even call these terrorists  animals..forget calling them humans....

The worst part was blowing off an explosive ladden car outside the trauma ward of the civil hospital...now what kind of a person would he be? What kind of pervert mindset these terrorists have?

My heart goes out to the families who have lost their dear ones...for no fault of theirs..for no fault of anyone....justa  sinster design to create havoc in  the country.

Its high time God takes an avtaar and guide us vanquish these demons....I really hope that Gujarat police at least cracks the case and all those behind the blasts are punished severly..hanged in public...or lynched by the people of Amdavad...thats the only way to teach these bastards a lesson....

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