Monday, June 08, 2009 to make Kashti sleep?!

Saturday morning……I and my wife decide to go to the mall, so as that we can just window shop and generally take our 5 month old out. In Lynchburg it rains at will and you never can predict it, so taking out our daughter (Kashti) can never be planned. But last Saturday the weather was good and we decided to go.

We fed Kashti her regular portion of rice cereal and formula and then left……Macy’s first. Wanted to but a bullet mixie and I saw a deal that there was one available for $20 (half the original price). We found what we were looking for, Kashti started getting upset…probably because we were not moving her stroller enough….so we started moving fast. We thought she might have become hungry, so made 3 ounce formula which she drank peacefully, but still she didn’t want to be in the stroller. We kept moving in the mall fast so that she can sleep…but in vain. I put her on my shoulder so that she can sleep, but she won’t…she would just keep looking around. So after 1 hr we decided to go back home.

 On reaching home, we decided that we need to teach Kashti to sleep on her own. Kruti called up Sunilamasi to ask what they did for their 8 month old grand-daughter. She said that their son-in-law made it a point that their daughter slept in her crib, who cried for an hour before dozing off.

We thought of trying that. We put Kashti on the bed when she felt sleepy, put 2 pillows around her and then left the room. She started crying…and kept crying…crying…for about 20 minutes and then we couldn’t pretend ignorance. Kruti was almost in tears. So I asked her to go inside and be with Kashti. After some time Kashti slept. So we now decided that we will NOT make Kashti sleep on our shoulders…so 1 of us will lie beside her till she sleeps. Its been 2 days and we seem to be on track. Kashti still cries for 5 – 25 minutes and then sleeps.

 We are doing this mainly so that she learns to sleep by her own. We will be going to Atlanta this month end and really do not want her to suffer during the 8 hr drive. Next step will be to put her to sleep in a car seat while at home…lets see how it goes. Hopefully she enjoys in the car, that way we can go and show her so many places.

1 comment:

porbandar123 said...

Wow! You guys are daredevils. We tried to do that with Abhinav - to let him cry but he would not stop crying non-stop for 30 mins and then we gave in. Good, if she learns to sleep on her own. Abhinav still will not sleep on his own.

Just a suggestion...please do not give her training to sleep in the car seat. That seat is very addictive for some kids.